Friday, May 10, 2013

Macro Competition - Answers

Thank you to everyone who have entered the first of my competitions for Richard Sollorz Photography.

In this competition, I had a selection of common items that can be found in a kitchen. Many of the responses received came very close to a perfect score.

Those that are most correct have gone into the draw to win free photography sessions, and a 25-50% discount from any booked session.

The winners will be announced shortly, however, to put some people out of their misery, here are the answers.....

1) - Hundreds and Thousands
2) Slice of bread

3) Peanut butter

4) Egg

5) White rice

6) Wheat Bix (however due to the closeness / texture other cereal answers are pretty close)

7) Tim Tam (or chocolate biscuit variants are a good guess too)

8) Blueberry

9) Lemon
10) Fork
11) Can opener
12) Strainer / sifter

13) Cocoa duster / cinnamon sugar duster

14) Salt container

15) Blade from glad wrap

16) Kitchen broom (I was impressed with alfalfa sprouts though :) ) 

17) Frozen peas

18) Paper towel

19) Potato / potato spore (or festy kitchen cupboard find is also acceptable)
20) Jatz biscuit (or any biscuit type was fine)

How did you go?
More competitions will be held in the coming month, so keep an eye out through Facebook or by following Richard Sollorz Photography at