How would you like to win a family portrait session which includes all images?
Well, now you can with Richard Sollorz Photography and I have 20 prizes up for grabs!
Its a guessing competition of images that are macro photographs (really close up shots) of items you would normally find in a kitchen. All you need to do is guess what you think they are.
The prize list is as follows:-
First Prize - A 1 hour family portrait which includes the session, all production work and a DVD of all images including black/white conversions and email copies - RRP value of $250
Second Prize - A 30 minute family portrait session which includes all production work, DVD of all images including black/white conversions and email copies - RRP value of $150
Third to Fifth Prizes - A 20 minute mini session which includes all production work, DVD of all images including black/white conversions and email copies - RRP value of $100
Sixth to Tenth Prizes - A 50% discount voucher to be used at Richard Sollorz Photography for any session booked
Eleventh to Twentieth Prizes - A 25% discount voucher to be used at Richard Sollorz Photography for any session booked.
The most correct answers will go into the draw for these incredible prizes.
Please note that the competition is open to Australian residents only, is not transferrable for cash, only one voucher per session booking, and the competition decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into. Competition is open to all ages and these may be gifted to other persons but can only be done so in writing from the competition winners. Only one entry per person is allowed. No person related to or employed by Richard Sollorz Photography can enter this competition.
Competition commences 20 April 2013 and closes at 11.59pm on 10 May 2013. Competition draw will commence on 11 May 2013 and winners notified by 13 May 2013.
The Rules
Like any competition there has to be some rules and here they are:-
1) go to Facebook and 'like' Richard Sollorz Photography at
2) Review the 20 macro images below and try to identify each one of these. A hint:- all these can be found in a typical home kitchen.
3) Once you are happy with your selection, email your entry to with the subject line 'Macro Competition' with the numbers of the images and your guess of what they are.
Here are the images - best of luck to all that enter!
Best of luck ! If you do have any questions please contact me via